ancient remembrance

Awaken Your Light Language & Sing Your Soul Song

Ancient Remembrance helped me to honor my voice and create more vitality in my life!”

Jaclyn N.

“I loved every moment. This is the most powerful practice on planet Earth!”

Shannon R.

Loved all of it, Dani’s empowering energy is everything I needed to activate my soul song.”

Sharon C.

light language is your birthright.

The language of light is a connection to your soul, healing, and eminence that is - quite literally - beyond words.

And it’s making a comeback .

Light language is on the rise as our souls refuse to take a back seat to life any longer.

Light language is a gift of loving empowerment so we can shine beyond the limitations of the mind.

Has your light language been “coming online”

…and you’re not sure what to do with it?

Perhaps scared - terrified even - that something is going terribly wrong…what are these words, sounds, tones spontaneously moving through me?!

Yet on another level, it feels natural, familiar, and RIGHTbut what will people think?!

Sister, it’s time to remember.

And we can do so, together.

Ancient Remembrance is a 4-week journey to normalize our intuitive channels of light language, soul song, and intuitive sound.

“Ancient Remembrance helped me deepen into divine presence and self-awareness; witnessing with joy and honoring my voice as alchemy, as sacred, as holy.

Lauren M.

liberate your vocal medicine

Working with our voice can be vulnerable - and we don’t have to do it alone.

We all have a soul voice that wishes to move through our vocal channel.

And this journey is designed for us to explore it together, from the safety and sanctuary of our very own homes.

Your inner child will RISE AS THE PHOENIX and DELIGHT in our weekly gatherings as we invoke practices in the frequencies of


relax into the truth of your divine knowing

As we give permission to our brilliance to begin pouring through IMPERFECTLY with laughter, love, and letting go we are building a channel for truth to reign.

Our souls hold the keys, gifts, and knowings of other lifetimes. Light language aids us in remembrance and reclamation of soul stories of another age.

Together, we’ll give our mental bodies a break so we can build the grace, confidence, and musculature required for living frequency transmissions to emanate from within…beyond the confines of mental thought + judgement.

As we embrace this language that is native to the very essence of our divine nature, we build trust in our intuition, life path, and spiritual acumen.

Ahhh, exhale…that feels good.

sing your soul song

This is your training grounds to normalize the magical and liberate the mundane.

Embracing your soul song through light language, toning, channeling, and intuitive singing creates pathways for your own soul’s light to shine into every part of you.

This is an incredible technology for uplifting vibration, upgrading frequency, and clearing density so that deep truth, wisdom, and healing can rise up from within.

Your voice , dear soul, is meaningful.

“Ancient Remembrance helped me to open on a deeper level in Light Language, as I've done it my whole life. I am connecting to the source and the understanding of it all in a spiritual way outside of religious dogma.

I loved how it really prepared me step by step to see the beauty of Light Language and how to take this to a new level on a daily basis!”

Glenda C.

This is…

ancient remembrance.

A 4-week introductory journey to awaken your light language and sing your soul song!

This is for you if you are:

  • Seeking safe space to explore Light Language and other vocal gifts.

  • Curious about Light Language and how you might begin to use it in your own life or services.

  • Feeling the call of your soul to SING, but aren’t sure where to start.

  • Looking for new technologies to add to your spiritual toolbox.

  • Ready to normalize your magic! And embrace every part of you.

What you can expect:

We’ll gather weekly for four weeks for an experiential journey to not only learn about light language, but enter into weekly practice to awaken your own soul song!

  • Simple practices to empower your voice, light language, and intuitive song

  • Foundational understanding of what light language is and how to use it

  • Liberation of doubts + fears around your voice

  • Learn what can block light language & its effectiveness

  • Move beyond the confines of old programming telling you to stay small

  • Embrace the power of sound to clear old emotions and integrate your light body

  • Increased confidence and empowerment in your ability to channel healing frequencies through your voice

Each week we’ll engage in:

  • Energetic clearing + purification practices for the physical, mental, and emotional bodies

  • Light language exercises to open + strengthen this sacred soul channel

  • Intuitive singing, sounding, + chanting exploring the power of frequency and expanding awareness

  • Modalities & spiritual technologies to ground, open, and relax into your true nature

  • A light language blessing + activation to help awaken more of your magic and let your soul light shine!

your guide

I believe everyone has the right to feel the magnificence of their full soul expression.

I help people remember their innocence & reclaim their power. Whether through facilitation, ceremony, or sound, my focus is on creating the space to unlock your own divine knowing and be who you truly are.

You can learn more about me here.

“Dani has incredible energy and leadership that evokes a sense of ease and wonder.

Dorota M.

“Working with Dani was very healing, expansive and opening. She reminded me of who I am, what I'm worth and what I deserve!”

Keyera D.

“Dani is an empowering guiding force to help you remember who & what you are here for.”

Chelsea M.

The ancient mysteries are awakening within us once again for this next golden age of miracles.

May we step forward as stewards of love, boldly living our truth, unlocking our soul channel, and liberating the primordial awakening voice!

Are you ready?