Priestess I Am

A Sovereign Reclamation of Becoming & Remembrance.

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applications are now closed for this round of priestess i am. please sign up for the 2025 waitlist to be notified once temple doors re-open.

the temple

Divine sister, do you remember the ancient ways? Are you a carrier of the Christed codex? Are you ready to resurrect the holy temple in the modern age? If so, Priestess I AM was made for you.

Priestess I AM is a modern day mystery school for divine embodiment and goddess awakening. Join this 14-week journey to catalyze your remembrance and skyrocket your spiritual acumen alongside sisters who get it.

She remembered who she was and the game changed.

-Lala Delia

“I will never be the same in the best way possible after our experience.”

-Sarah S.

“I have no words. I am a new woman.”

-Ericka K.

“Dani’s gifts will guide you to become your highest self.”

-Alejandra N.

dear sister, you come as a messenger of the stars.

To bring forth your Divine Self embodiment. The emanation of you that is forever, eternal, and beyond any category of the mind.

We stand with you, as a sisterhood, to grow. To embody. To explore what it’s like to truly know ourselves, love ourselves, and honor all that is.

To remember, from the deepest parts of being, that we are daughters of the Most High.

We are the dream weavers, the sky keepers, and the cosmic travelers here to carry on the lineage of our forbearers. To break the cycles of enslavement, and rise as the Remembered Ones.

To birth the visions seeded in the dreams of our ancestors - to be a living emanation of Heaven on Earth.

And to resurrect the mysteries of the temples we once protected long ago.

We are the Holy Women.

We are the Messengers of Light.

We are the Keepers of the Mysteries.

We are the Priestesses Remembered.

And we sleep no more.

welcome to the awakened feminine.

As we rise together, the world shifts.

As we honor the divinity within, we commit to a radical act of love on behalf of humanity. Join us to:

Feel your inner goddess come to life

Recall ancient practices

Transport to new worlds

Cleanse + purify your being

Connect with your Higher Self

Mentor with Ascended Masters

Receive in loving sisterhood

Experience feelings of coming home

Liberate ancestral wounding

Download Sophianic templates

Empower quantum remembrance

Activate Divine DNA

Awaken templates of healing & more…

What becomes possible as the priestess who has reclaimed her journey?

As a highly intuitive woman of holy power, your medicine is needed now more than ever.

Your self-empowerment opens the doors and shines a light for individuals to rise in their own greatness - and entire societies to shift into new paradigms.


We are beyond the times of individual growth for individual growth's sake.

We grow because we are in service to the highest and most beautiful outcomes for all. Because all beings deserve to know peace in their hearts, food in their bellies, and respect…for no reason beyond the simple fact that they exist.


But modern day living has us out of rhythm with the natural laws of creation aligned with community, honor, and flow - where all rise together in harmony.


We've forgotten the gathering of the feminine that serves the whole through the divinity of the individual. 


In today's world, it's imperative to intentionally cultivate the spaces, people, and seasons that support our highest mastery when everything around us is designed to pull our focus outside of ourselves, our sovereignty, and our empowered path of soul leadership.

Are you ready to end the cycle?

the journey

An ecosystem of support to embody the divine light within & emanate the radiance that is your birthright.

Temple Sessions

Weekly 2-hour sessions to deepen your knowing, hone your craft, and supercharge your awakening with teaching transmissions, practices, and experiences designed to restablish + recode you direct knowing.

gateway ceremonies

Two Gateway Ceremonies to awaken within resonant frequencies of deep healing and activation amplified by the expansive and powerful coherence of many gathering as one.

{Optional} personalized SUPPORT

If you’re ready to supercharge your journey, add on two private 1:1 sessions for direct and personalized support to radically {and radiantly} enhance your transformative journey. Space is limited.


Exercises and practices to harmonize the masculine + feminine within, anchor your light, and ground your energy as well as recommended resources to potently nourish the unfolding of the rose within.

“Dani initiates you into full expression of your authentic, raw, ecstatic self held in a safe + supportive container to remember who you truly are.”

-Cynthia A.

No more walking alone.

Walk the path with others who understand the journey of the priestess and what it means to live outside of conventional standards.

Access more of your truth, more of the time.

Feel more centered, grounded, and safe in your body & your being.

Hone + strengthen your intuition and discernment.

Expand your conscious awareness to interrupt and re-write old patterns for more ease + flow.

Remember your worth and be more comfortable in your visibility and voice.

Be with those who get it. And get you.

What would it be like to walk with others who deeply understand the journey of the priestess?

Who witness you in the fullness of your facets and welcome all parts of you to shine?

To build a culture of love that liberates the essence of who you are to anchor even more fully - and to step forward with confidence knowing you’re not alone.

Who you’re surrounded by matters.

Gift yourself the liberation of being in community with those who want to see you rise.

“Being in sacred space with other sisters I felt seen, heard, and deeply held.”

-Cynthia M.

“The connection with other souls and the depth to which our mind, body, and spiritual connection can dive is powerful and magnetic.”

-Jess S.

“I’ve realized it’s essential to be surrounded by like minded individuals - those who uplift me and pour into me - as much as I pour into them. I’m no longer interested in superficial connections that leave me feeling misunderstood. I’m a big fish and I’m done swimming in swamps. I belong in the ocean.

-Nada K.

“A warm, juicy, loving container with badass goddess sisters uplifting you with their words and intentions while reconnecting to your deepest center.”

-Gina G.

Re-templating the sisterhood for the benefit of All.

Resurrect the templates of the feminine - be held in supportive sisterhood where we rise as one.

Anchor confidence for ways of being and boundaries that support your highest expression.

Remember & resource your own divine power.

Supercharge your priestess toolkit with rituals, practices, and resources to uplift and expand your devotional path and spiritual acumen.

Learn to intimately work with your guides and Ascended Master mentors.

Cultivate more freedom + spaciousness within and around you.

Nourish with deep self love, honor, and reverence.

Expand the musculature of compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Remember more of who you are and come into greater alignment with your soul path.

Sister, do you remember?

The language of ceremony and ritual to anchor and awaken light codes within?

The sacred geometry of divine feminine gathering and the ripples of impact created?

The deep transformation + blessings of walking the Beauty Way and committing to your highest devotion?

If so, Priestess I Am was made for you.

We walk as the Ancient Ones.

We sing as the Oracles. We foresee as the Mystics.

…And we consecrate as the Priestess.

This is our Divine Decree.

Our remembrance of our Holy Nature. The embracing of our knowings as truth.

And the declaration of our bodies as Holy Ground.

As the phoenix rises from the ashes, we too die one thousand deaths to rebirth ourselves anew.

To burn away all that is not true and bring light to that which has been forgotten.

To remember our divine nature and embrace our Holy Light.

We step forth now as One. And as One we rise.

And so it is.

“I recommend to any woman wanting to connect with the Goddess energy and loving sisterhood while coming home to your very heart and core.”

-Vanessa L.

“I’m so impressed by Dani’s ability to hold space for women. It’s truly special and powerful and I love to be a part of it!”

-Sabrina V.

Dani is incredible. She is intelligent, honest, and always makes sure to contain the multifacetedness of truth. She is an amazing leader. I trust my wisdom and abilities now more than ever.

-Nada K.

i create sacred space for you to amplify to your own power.

Hi, I’m Dani - your host & sacred wayshower on this journey of remembrance. Welcome home, sister.

My brilliance is in creating safe & sacred space for women to remember their own greatness. The cornerstone of my work brings people together to ignite sovereign reclamation. I dance between worlds - marrying the ancient healing arts of the Priestess with modern day leadership technologies making the powerful, practical.

You can learn more about me + my work here.

Come home to your truest expression.

Remember who you are and why you’re here.

Deeply love all parts of your self to move in this world with ease, grace, and confidence.

Experience the power of a focused & intentional group field of weavership + activation.

We are holy.

We are One.

We are free.

And so it is.