remembrance codex


Hi, i’m dani.

A soul-based songstress and Goddess channel creating sonic activations to awaken the priestess within.



I AM LUMINOUS is now LIVE on all streaming platforms.

The Priestess Re-Awakens

Debut Single

Listen Now

The Priestess Reawakens came to me in August 2021. It was the first chant that downloaded to me in English. It marked a time of great blossoming in my life, unlocking the Magdalene templates and remembering more of my True Self.

Little did I know at the time, that it would lead here. That it marked not only a transformational time period for me personally, but a chapter to share sound codes with the world.

I believe chants like this re-wire us at a cellular level. They re-orient our mind and align us with our highest spiritual timelines to call in more of who we truly are and allow a channel for love to manifest more deeply in our world.

light code sound baths on youtube

Vocal Activations of Remembrance through light language, intuitive singing, and channeling.

Perfect for listening in presence during sacred ritual or a bath to release density and open into spaciousness, love, and reclamation.

Available in different lengths up to 60-minutes.

drum & fire: monthly goddess chanting

This is a *FREE* 30-minute energetic reset. We gather monthly via Zoom.

Refresh & Revive Your Vibe.

“Drum x Fire has been such a blessing in my life! This beautiful offering that Dani has curated is a powerhouse of uplifting frequency.It has been a significant factor in reawakening my remembrance of who I am.”

-Chelsea M.

Music is more than a tune. It’s a frequency. And when you add intention and encode with light, you create a keycode. A secret doorway to soul expansion. Calling forth your innate Divinity with ease & grace for the benefit of all beings.

Keycodes keycodes Keycodes


“The highest goal of music is to connect one’s Soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment.”

-Pythagoras (569-475 BC)

Ultimately, I believe everyone is a vocalist. We all deserve to know and experience the power of our true, sovereign voice.

When we can connect to our voice in an uninhibited and sincere way, what we’re really doing is allowing more of our soul to shine through.

As the soul content of our voice increases, our experiences transform. The magic of our word, the intent of our heart, and the reverence of our mind combine to create deeper, more harmonious lives.

As a whole, we begin to create a chorus. Rather than nails on a chalkboard getting lost in dissonance and judgement, we begin to see the divine in one another. And the divine in ourselves.

Together, we learn. We grow. We express…and enliven our human experience.