

This is an annual virtual concert. Join the newsletter to be notified for 2025 dates!

Welcome to the third Annual



When: TBA | 90 Minutes

Where: Online via Zoom



Australia: TBA

Recordings available for those unable to attend live. Check your time zone here.

We Remember Together.

As women, by simply being in each other’s presence, we allow something amazing to unfold: we awaken our power and nurture the cosmos.

Since the dawn of time, women have gathered in circle and ceremony to sing and elevate into ecstatic states. Acting as intermediaries between the divine and human realms.

This sacred sound experience is a celebration and reclamation of our Rose Frequency. The deep knowing of our divinity, reverence, sovereignty, feminine expression, and love.

The Rose Lineage speaks through each of us who chooses to remember.

It is the sacred spiritual right of every being to come back into relationship with the cycles of the Earth and the sanctity of their soul.

And this is what sound does.

enter the temple

with your host @dani.frederick

Dani Frederick

  • Dani is a divine feminine healer, oracle, and spiritual wayshower. The cornerstone of her work brings women together for sovereign reclamation and divine embodiment.

    She is a transmitter of sacred channeled chants that serve to awaken and activate templates of empowerment when sang aloud.

    Her music, created in collaboration with her brother, marries these chants with modern vibes and can be found on all major streaming platforms.

    Wherever she goes, her focus is on the remembrance of our divine worth, love, and relationship with the perfection of who we are + what we’re made of.

mary isis

  • Mary Isis has the gift of song and loves supporting and empowering people to sing and bring their own songs of truth and love through.

    Her services include ceremonial space holding, musical mentoring, and transformational recovery coaching.

    She seasonally offers group courses involving nature connection, ritual, healing arts and song weaving.

Katarina rain

  • Katarina Rain is a singer / songwriter who shares high-vibrational medicine songs which promote healing, connection, and remembrance.

    Katarina receives her music while camping in isolation at powerful energy centers in the heart of nature.

    Katarina’s songs are transmissions from Mother Earth and Spirit, rooted in divine feminine wisdom.

elsa field

  • Dr. Elsa Field is a PhD Scientist, Priestess of Avalon & Sacred Sound, and devotional musician.

    Her joy and passion is to guide women to come home to be the Divine Channels that they naturally are.

    Drawing on an ancient Priestess path of the Temple Singer & Musician, Elsa's community is on a divinely guided mission to reawaken the lineage of the Priestess Sound Healer – the Priestess of Sacred Sound – for the modern day.

    A lifelong musician, Elsa's journey began as a classically trained vocalist and recording artist. She has been developing the sacred practices of the devotional singer for the past ten years within the healing lineage of Avalon.

    Weaving herstory, sound healing, ceremony & sound science, Elsa is the creatrix of transformational group & 1:1 programmes that empower you to unlock your own devotional voice and service as a Priestess of Sacred Sound.

ankhara rose

  • Ankhara Rose is a sacred music artist, music producer, and creator of The Sacred Background Music Collection.

    For 30 years, she has been writing and performing original music, and after a successful commercial music career, she has shifted her musical focus to producing sacred songs that connect people to their hearts, their souls, and each other.

April swift

  • April is a Devoted Priestess and Sacred Space Holder with a passion to reunite our Star Soul Family across our beloved Gaia, sparking a remembrance of their soul song and creative life force energy to co-create and weave the Lineages of Light from ancient and future timelines to restore the Original Codes of Creation… the Sophia Christos ~ Hieros Gamos ~ Divine Blueprint of Unity Consciousness.

    Working with the alchemy of ritual, sound, light language, quantum energy healing, embodied dance and priestess arts, April facilitates ceremonies and retreats in-person and online + 1:1 sessions.

    She holds a nurturing Divine Mother energy, creating a safe space for souls to unlock their authentic truth and soul expression, ultimately returning to unconditional love and a deep connection with our Earth Mother and Sophia God Source Creation flowing within, bridging Heaven and Earth.

“Most women I know are priestesses and healers, although many don't know it yet, and some never will. We are all of us sisters of a mysterious order.”

Marianne Williamson

what to expect:

More than a concert.

  • We’ll invoke the Sisterhood of the Rose including Isis, Mary Magdalene, Hathor, and more.

  • Sacred storytelling awakening the human journey of unlocking the divine voice.

  • Sound activations, channelings, and transmissions.

  • Call + response chanting

  • Sacred song performances

  • Celestial sound journeying

  • Unveiling of BRAND NEW SONGS on Spotify!

Plus a special giveaway!

We’re proud to partner with Emerald Temple Sacred Anointing Oils for this year’s Gratitude Giveaway!

Attendees have a chance to win the incredible Rosa Mystica Heirloom oil (a $188 value!) and more.

open & receive

Here’s how to best prepare for our time together.


set your space

Make it delicious! A date between you and the Divine. Perhaps create a mini altar or join from a bubble bath. Whatever you choose, give yourself the gift of privacy - a quiet setting where you’ll be undisturbed and can make sound or sing along if it’s in your joy to do so.


Give yourself permission to be

Join us exactly as you are. In your divine perfection, both Animal and Angel. Mess and masterpiece. You are loved, you are safe, and the whole of you is welcome here.


get cozy

This is your moment to receive and be at peace in Divine knowing. Nourish yourself with tea, blankets, a yoga mat…whatever feels good to be relaxed and receive the transmissions deep into your cellular DNA.

“The highest goal of music is to connect one’s Soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment.”

Pythagoras (569-475 BC)


Magdalene Priestess + Sound Oracle

Welcome Beloved! My name is Dani and I’m thrilled to be gathering with sound sisters like you across the world.

I am a Priestess of the Rose with an adoration of bridging worlds and singing spirit into matter.

I am the founder of a free monthly chanting collective called Drum x Fire in service to the Divine Feminine voice rising. I offer programs, courses, and teachings helping women come home to their heart and sovereign empowerment.

I also serve as a channel for activating chants and light language. You can find me on Spotify here.

Thank you for joining us. This sonic experience is so much more than a concert - it’s a vocal activation & celebration of Holy Love. See you there!