Drum x Fire

Monthly Goddess Chanting

Your 30-Minute Reset to Reconnect to the Sacred Within.

“Dani’s channeled chants are changing my life. I recommend Drum x Fire to anyone who has been looking to drastically transform the way they speak, think, and feel about themselves.”

-Mais W.

refresh + revive your sacred vibe

join us to uplift, transmute, and activate our energetic fields.

“It’s really uplifting and powerful. We come back home to remembrance of who we truly are. To our divine feminine energy and power.”

- Vanessa L.

Our next monthly gathering is:

Friday, October 18th

10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm U.K.

Join me and over 300 women for a quick {and powerful} 30 minutes.

A replay is available to those unable to make it live.

“As a breathwork facilitator and EFT practitioner, I always find myself recommending Dani’s Drum x Fire. These circles are an incredible healing tool that combine breathwork with language in a way that feels fun.”

-Andreea M.

“So potent in giving me full permission to step into my voice. I felt immediately part of the community and Dani’s energy is magical + contagious.”

-Martha A.

“The sense of community, internal safety, and vocal reclamation reminds me of who I am and how powerful that truly is.”

-Keyera D.

chanting benefits

  • Awaken the primordial power of the Goddess within.

  • Emanate calm + well-being to your body, mind, and spirit.

  • Encode your cellular DNA with higher frequencies.

  • Purify stagnant energy + emotion.

  • Upgrade negative thought patterns and enhance your consciousness.

  • Invoke healing for yourself and the collective heart of humanity.

“Profound connection and remembrance - it is real.”


“Drum x Fire is a powerhouse of uplifting frequency. It’s been a significant factor in reawakening my remembrance of who I am.”


“It’s an instant frequency elevator.”

-Justine V.

what to expect

Hello dear soul! Welcome to our powerful portal of divine nectar. Here’s what you can expect for our 30-minutes together.

We’ll create safe and sacred space beginning with a short meditation to release energy from our day and come into presence with ourselves and one another.

01 Drop Into Sacred Space

We’ll rejoice in song together through both Classic Goddess Chants + Original Goddess Chants by Yours Truly. You can remain muted on Zoom, so no need to be shy - free your voice and let your heart sing!

02 Chant + Be

I’d recommend Drum x Fire to anyone who…

“Wants to find joyful, safe, and uplifting community.”

-Zayra S.

“Desires to be in community, find a clear channel in their voice, and continue evolving in beautiful ways.”

-Nikki S.

“Is calling in light codes, desires community, and is ready to be in their fire.”

-Bonnie S.

“Is seeking balance and peace.”

-Brenda G.

“Wants to connect with their inner essence and Goddess-Self!”

-Gerri S.

“Wants to tap into magic + love.”

-Hanna D.

meet your guide

Dani is a divine feminine healer, oracle, and spiritual wayshower. The cornerstone of her work brings women together for sovereign reclamation and divine embodiment.

She is a transmitter of sacred channeled chants that serve to awaken and activate templates of empowerment when sang aloud. Her music, created in collaboration with her brother, marries these chants with modern vibes and can be found on all major streaming platforms.

She also offers group programs, courses, and teachings to help women come home to their heart and true nature.

Wherever she goes, her focus is on the remembrance of our divine worth, love, and relationship with the perfection of who we are + what we’re made of.

Join a community of 300+ sovereign souls reclaiming the art & beauty of their voice.

Whether joining live or on the replay, embrace the energy of Drum x Fire sacred space and carry the chants with you whenever you need, on your own time, in your own space.